I wish I had THE magic power to slow time, to stretch it a little in order to have just a wee bit more of those magical minutes I love so much this time of year. There is nothing I love more than the excitement of children around the holidays, and I’d spend each extra minute with a child.
There’s not a Super Hero around, however, who has figured out the Super Power of Stretching Time. (That’s the one I’d like to have if you gave me a form I had to fill out with a question, and in case you haven’t been by the office yet, you should know we are giving out those forms and asking 🙂 What magical power would your family like to receive as a gift this year?
As a practice team, we have been so blessed to work with amazing families and to share in each family’s good health. In addition, we have become ‘like family’ with the team of architects, designers and builders who have created the wonderful new office space we are officially calling ‘home!’ Stop by and see us if you haven’t been in already. Here’s a quick peek and our ‘thank you’ to the team who gifted us with a great, new workspace.
As the Season of Giving begins, I love it that Thanksgiving comes first with an important reminder. We are called to Thanks before we are invited to the Giving. Teach your children that this holiday season is about joy and fun and snow and elves and dreidels and Santa and presents and so much more.
The wise ones understand that time can never be stretched or slowed. We all must learn to choose carefully how we spend the most precious gift of all: our time together.
With Thanks and Giving,
Gayle Schrier Smith, MD