Something really important will happen next week in Richmond, and if you would like to be a part of shaping the healthcare options of our children and grandchildren…
You have to write to the Power People. They are meeting to consider building our new children’s hospital.
Imagine what it would look like. They are the Power People. They arrive at work tomorrow; people who can give the nod to building an independent hospital for Richmond’s children, and they find hundreds and thousands of emails from parents like me… people who have heard that there’s money to build a new children’s hospital… and we are all writing to ask for help.
Imagine what the Power People might do when they see this ground-swell of parental hope, of heartfelt commitment to our children…dedication to the idea of having a really kid-friendly hospital just for the children…
Do you think all our letters will melt hard hearts?
Do you think seeing the children’s faces and hearing their stories will sway the stubborn ones to FIND a way to build a new hospital for the children?
I think so. So I’ve found photos of my children…those really cute ones that melt my heart, and I’ve written kind words for the Power People about my children. I’m telling my children’s story, and I’m reminding the Power People that they now play an important part in MY children’s healthcare story. I may ask some of my patients if I can tell their stories, too.
EVERY DAY until TUESDAY, April 16, I am writing to the Power People. That’s the day that they all get together and talk about important things… like should we build a new hospital for the children.
I thought about posting an example letter to send to these Board members, but the facts are part of my DrDownload blog week after week. Pick a few that matter to you by clicking on the link above if you want. Or you can read more at the website; these are some of my doctor colleagues who have gotten on board with the cause. In my heart though, I know that it will be our stories and the faces of our children that will soften hearts.
If the decision to build this new hospital is based JUST on the money and power, it will never happen. Sadly, for the children…I know that it SHOULD not happen if the Power People can’t move beyond those two driving forces.
It will not be until the grownups can look at the children and hear their stories and believe that they are worth the hard work of collaboration… that our youngest ones will have the hospital that they so richly deserve. I have never stopped praying. And believing it’s possible. And writing. Won’t you join me
Here are the Power People as best as I can tell:
Dr. Michael Rao
Dr. Sheldon Retchin
Delegate M. Kirkland Cox
Delegate John O’Bannon
Senator Donald McEachin
Dr. PJ Coney
Dr. Michael S.Gonzalez
Dr. Anton J. Kuzel
Dr. Bruce Mathern
Dr. Susan Roseff
Margaret Lewis
Chris Broughton-Spruill
Peter Bernard
I’m stuffing envelopes for some of the Power People because they prefer Snail Mail.
Mr. Robert M. Blue
VCU Health System Board of Directors
1630 Pope Avenue
Richmond, VA 23261
Ms. Katherine E. Busser
VCU Health System Board of Directors
1 Lower Tuckahoe Rd. W.
Richmond, VA 23238
Ms. Lakshmi Challa
VCU Health System Board of Directors
Challa Law Offices
5040 Sadler Place Suite 200
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Mr. Thomas N. Chewning
VCU Health System Board of Directors
4800 Locke Green Circle
Richmond, VA 23226
Dr. John Doswell
VCU Health System Board of Directors
6010 St. Andrews Lane
Richmond, VA 23226
Mr. William M. Ginther
VCU Health System Board of Directors
2605 Autumnfield Road
Midlothian, Virginia 2311
Mr. Thomas E. Gottwald
VCU Health System Board of Directors
4601 Lilac Lane
Richmond, VA 23221
Ms. Lillian L. Lambert
VCU Health System Board of Directors
9455 Deer Stream Drive
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116
Dr. W. Baxter Perkinson
VCU Health System Board of Directors
10620 Cherokee Rd.
Richmond, VA 23235
Mr. John Sherman
VCU Health System Board of Directors
5 Mary View Drive
Richmond, VA 23226
Mr. Stuart C. Siegel
VCU Health System Board of Directors
800 Old Locke Lane
Richmond, VA 23226